Contact Us
City Offices
20 N. Main Street
Brigham City, UT 84302
(435) 734-6600
After Hours Utility Emergency
(435) 723-6868
Contact Information by Department
(435) 734-6622
Animal Control
(435) 723-5227
Animal Shelter
(435) 226-1436
Business Licensing
(435) 226-1436
online contact form
(435) 723-5813
City Recorder
Christina Boss
(435) 734-6621
send an email
Code Enforcement
Officer Tarver
(435) 734-6680
Community & Economic Development
(435) 734-6604
online contact form
Fire Department/Emergency Services
(435) 226-1400
online contact form
(435) 734-6605
Golf Course
(435) 723-3212
Human Resources
(435) 734-6627
(435) 723-5850
Mayor's Office
(435) 734-6612
(435) 226-1439
Police Department
(435) 734-6650
Public Power
(435) 734-6624
online contact form
Public Information
Cami Sabin
(435) 730-2944
send an email
Public Works
(435) 734-6615
online contact form
(435) 734-6610
Senior Division
(435) 226-1450
Swimming Pool
(435) 226-1460
(435) 734-6639
Fraud Hotline
The Brigham City Fraud Hotline provides an avenue for citizens, employees, vendors, and contractors to report improper governmental activities including:
Violations of a law, rule, regulation, or policy applicable to the City
Theft or fraud
Abuse of authority
Unethical conduct
Gross mismanagement
Waste or misuse of public funds, property, or manpower
Tips or complaints regarding regular City operations that do not involve the bulleted items above should not use the fraud hotline email. Those types of tips or complaints should be communicated directly to the responsible City department. Any criminal activity and/or emergencies should be communicated directly to the police department or 911.
Tips or complaints submitted through the fraud hotline should be submitted with sufficient information to allow a proper investigation. This should include any supporting evidence. Essential information includes specifics on ‘who, what, where, when,’ as well as any other details that may be important such as information on other witnesses, documents, and pertinent evidence.
Procedures when a complaint/tip is received
Complaint/tip will be screened and evaluated by the City Attorney's office. Any complaint detailing an actual or potential criminal offense will be referred to the proper law enforcement agency. If the City Attorney or any of his/her staff are the subject of the complaint, it will be immediately forwarded to the City Administrator or Mayor.
The City Attorney's office will review complaint/tip to determine if there is a factual basis and legal justification to conduct a preliminary investigation into any alleged improper governmental activity.
If upon evaluation further investigation is merited, the City Attorney will prepare a report outlining the factual allegations of the complain/tip, the preliminary investigation of said complaint/tip and then a recommendation.
If a City Administrator or Mayor are the subject of the complaint they may not be included in this process. In that specific instance, the City Attorney will inform the City Council upon completion of their report/recommendation. The City Council, City Administrator or Mayor upon receipt of a report will:
Continue or Discontinue the investigation
Refer the investigation to an outside entity
Set the timeline and scope of the investigation
Set the budget of the investigation
The investigator and the City Attorney will provide City management a report of the findings. City Management will take any necessary action.
City management will provide a report to the City Council. Information will also be provided to the complainant if requested.
The City Recorder will retain a record of all complaints/tips in accordance with the applicable Utah State law retention schedule.
Whistleblower Protection
The City will not take any adverse action against any employees for reporting in good faith fraud or abuse of public funds. An employee is presumed to have communicated in good faith if they have given written notice or otherwise formally communicated the issue to the person in authority.
The identity of the complainant is considered protected information under the Utah government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA) and will be kept confidential to the fullest extent possible.